Seniors, Could Your Fitness Routine Use a Tune-Up?

If you’re a senior citizen, do you get concerned when thinking about the fitness activities you used to do but can’t anymore? It can be easy to get caught up in thinking about the ‘good old days’ when our bodies didn’t have as many limitations. However, while it can be true that certain physical activities such as running, playing high-impact sports, or hiking steep inclines aren’t as feasible for many seniors, there are plenty of other ways to practice physical fitness at this age.
First and foremost – don’t give it up! Physical exercise is important to maintain as we age, as it is shown to improve mood, lessen feelings of anxiety and depression, lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, reduce pain, and even improve cognitive skills.
There are often special considerations seniors should take when starting, or continuing, a physical fitness routine, as well as recommendations that are unique to this population.
Get that heart rate up
It’s a common misconception that exercise for seniors always needs to be slow and gentle. In fact, it’s just as important for senior heart health to get vigorous exercise a few times per week as it is for younger people.
*A big difference, however, is that because heart rates tend to lower with age, seniors shouldn’t push to achieve the same heart rate as they did when they were younger. Always talk with your medical provider to determine the recommended level of exercise and ideal heart rate for you.
Diversify your wellness routine
Even if you were more singularly focused when you were younger, only focusing on running or weightlifting for example, it’s time to think differently about fitness. Ideal fitness for seniors includes strength training, moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity, and balance activities. Balance activities can include yoga, walking backwards, standing on one foot, and many more ideas found on this GoodRx website: The 8 Best Balance Exercises for Seniors – GoodRx
Up for fitness multitasking?
For a real one-two punch for your health, consider adopting a fitness routine that fosters socialization at the same time. Harvard Health reports that older adults who enjoy a strong social life may experience less depression, a longer life span, fewer negative feelings, and greater positive moods. Some ideas that combine physical activity with social interaction include dance lessons, water aerobics, a walking club, sports lessons, or even a tai chi class. And since studies show that physical activity improves social skills and self-confidence, this combo is a no-brainer!
At El Mirage, we encourage you to consult with your medical team before starting any exercise routine. And if you experience any of the following while exercising, you should come straight to El Mirage ER to get checked:
- Sudden and unexpected shortness of breath, especially if accompanied by nausea, chest pain, or fainting, or an inability to easily talk
- Shortness of breath that gets worse when you lie down
- Sudden, acute pain, such as back pain
- Inability to bear weight on a limb
- A wound that won’t stop bleeding
- Trauma to the head or neck
Chances are that, as you explore fitness options, you won’t need to visit El Mirage Medical Center. However, you can take comfort in knowing you’ll have access to expert medical care in our emergency room should you or a loved one need us.
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